International Design Awards Success
We were thrilled to secure our first two International design awards at the design et al awards last night. Our Belgravia House project secured best living space and best property in the 10m+ category. We have attached some pictures from the evening below. For further information on the project please click here
Our project synopsis is outlined below, each area of this fabulous house in Belgravia was thought through and perfected individually, so that when each section was put together, it not only resonated in its own beauty, but created, as a whole, a harmonious, flowing design throughout.
1.61 London, encompasses what it does in its very name and insigne. It stands for creating perfect aesthetic beauty in interior design across some of the best spaces in London. This is achieved through meticulous care and detail, making design not just an art, but also a science. This was the design brief set to turn what used to be an ordinary, modern, corner house on a quiet mews, to a beautifully designed, and detailed home that was moulded on our company’s notion. Added into this was the client’s passion for collecting antiques, art, wine and sculpture. The design needed to incorporate and enhance these areas by returning to what made these pieces wonderful in their time and interpreting them in a modern way.
One such example was the main reception room wall. This was designed to have back lit onyx vertical sections, sitting either side of a triplet of antique mirrors, with works of art hanging from them. This area acted as the perfect juxtaposition between ancient pieces of art, beautiful in their own right, and modern design. Thus bridging two worlds with two time differences and forging them together in this new modern, harmonised design fusion.
The theme formed allowed the designers to incorporate all these beautiful existing pieces with the design ebbing and flowing with impact and resonance where needed. This gave the client’s collection items a perfect platform to sing from where needed, but where lacking, the design to step up and influence the aesthetics.
The description outlined only scratches the surface in describing what a fantastic project this house in Belgravia is. There are stories to tell in each area of new against old. Modern influences set against 500 year old sculptures. This house really does push the boundaries to their limit and will truly make a wonderful home.